Pickled Gherkins Bottling small quantities is so simple and safe with the Electric Kettle Pro. The liquid can then be used as a basis for all kinds of vegetables.
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20 MIN.



  • 15 small pickling gherkins (alternatively cucumbers)
  • 200 ml elderflower syrup
  • 300 ml bianco balsamic vinegar
  • 300 ml water
  • 3 sterilised jars (approx. 300 ml each)
  • 12 juniper berries
  • 12 pink berries
  • 3 bay leaves


  1. Weigh and measure all the ingredients, prepare them and place them ready.
  2. Wash the pickling gherkins and cut into 5 mm slices. Alternatively, peel cucumbers, halve them lengthwise, scratch out the seeds and cut the halves into 5 mm slices.
  3. Equally distribute the sliced gherkins to the jars. Add the syrup, water, vinegar and spices to the kettle and bring to the boil at 100 °C.
  4. Pour the liquid, with the spices, into the jars up to the brim. Close the lids, immediately turn upside down and allow to stand on their lids for around 5 minutes.
  5. Allow to steep for at least 3 days before eating.


Sterilise the jars in the kettle beforehand. Do so by placing each jar and its lid in the kettle and bringing to the boil at 100°C. Remove and allow to drip dry.


With the FRESH & SAVE vacuum system even opened spices stay fresh for longer.

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