The perfect steak

Every steak enthusiast has their own unique preference for the perfect steak. While some prefer it cooked "Bleu," others enjoy it "Well Done" or somewhere in between. In essence, a steak should be both tender and succulent on the inside, while boasting a delectable, crispy exterior.

In order to ensure that your meat remains tender, it is crucial to start with the correct thickness. A thickness of 2-3 cm is ideal to guarantee a successful outcome. Additionally, the quality of the meat is just as crucial as its thickness. Good maturity and marbling play a significant role in achieving a delicious steak. The marbled fat throughout the meat helps to retain its juiciness during cooking. If you prefer to remove any excess fat, it is recommended to do so after cooking. This will ensure that your steak maintains its tenderness and flavour.



If the steak is frozen, it should be slowly thawed in the refrigerator overnight. This is the gentlest way of defrosting for the structure of the meat and the taste. If you still need to do it quickly, you can also defrost it in a lukewarm water bath. This reduces the defrosting time to about an hour. Professionals use their sous vide device from ZWILLING FRESH & SAVE and defrost the steak at 39 °C within 3-10 minutes. The hot water bath, microwave or oven is too hot for frozen steak. 

The thawed steak must be at room temperature (approx. 20 °C), so it is best to take it out of the refrigerator two hours before preparing it. Cover with paper towels until ready. Aluminium foil is not suitable for covering because the acid in the raw meat oxidizes with the tinfoil paper.


Place the pan on the stove and heat slowly for 3-5 minutes at 1/3 of full heat. Then increase the stove temperature to full heat for 3 minutes.


Reduce the heat by 1/3 and coat the pan with vegetable fat. Press the meat lightly into the grill pan. For medium rare cooking, fry for 3 minutes on both sides. For the perfect grill pattern, position the meat between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Let the pan with the steak rest on a heat-resistant cutting surface for 2-3 minutes.


When preparing steaks, you can best work with two temperature zones: high heat in the pan to develop a brown crust, then low heat to finish cooking to the desired doneness. For a 2.5 cm thick steak, use the 80 °C or low cooking method in the oven. This will ensure your steak is particularly tender. You can also work with the two temperature zones when preparing food on the grill. Heat only one half of the grill properly and grill your steak over high heat until the desired degree of browning. For both cooking in the pan and on the grill, we recommend turning it after about 1 ½ minutes. Then let the meat rest for at least 3 minutes and turn it again.

The six cooking levels of steaks:

  • Bleu: 38°C
  • Rare: 45-50°C
  • Medium rare: 50-55°C
  • Medium: 54-56°C
  • Medium well: 56-60°C
  • Well done: 60+ °C

Two methods are particularly suitable for determining the cooking point:

  • Temperature method: The safest way is to measure temperature with a thermometer. After cooking, poke the thermometer probe into the centre of the freshly grilled steak.
  • Palm test: Bring your thumb and index finger, middle finger, ring finger and little finger together so that they form a closed circle and compare the feeling of pressure underneath the thumb with the feeling of pressure on the fried steak.


Once your steak has rested for an appropriate amount of time, it is ready to be seasoned. We suggest using coarse sea salt or salt flakes, and you may also add pepper if desired. It is equally effective to salt your steak before or during cooking, as it does not affect the loss of meat juices or the risk of drying out. However, salting the meat 30 minutes before cooking can greatly enhance its flavour.